


男性、53岁。2018年8月30日 既往感染HBV,胃癌,远端胃和胆囊切除。2019年6月,因腹痛,肝脏肿瘤活检后确诊为肝细胞癌。由于伴有门静脉癌栓,不适合手术治疗,7月6日,在检查时,肝细胞癌破裂,紧急施行TAE止血。由于全身状况进一步恶化,饮食摄入极差,无法接受化疗,支持治疗,控制疼痛预后为1-3个月。7月17日,开始陶氏疗法。当天不用止痛剂可以入睡,肝功能稳定,出院时肝癌CT图像显示癌细胞开始死亡。身体状况明显好转,从坐轮椅来治疗,到可以骑自行车 30 公里。出院后,他的肌肉量增加了7.1公斤。饮食和睡眠良好,9月参加完女儿的婚礼回国。

October 2019: Gastric Cancer Surgery, Gallbladder Removal, Liver Cancer Rupture, Remaining Life One Month19)
Male, 53 years old. On August 30, 2018, he was diagnosed with gastric cancer and a pre-existing HBV infection, leading to distal gastric and gallbladder resection. In June 2019, hepatocellular carcinoma was diagnosed after a biopsy of a liver tumor due to abdominal pain. Due to a concomitant portal vein cancerous thrombus, he was not a candidate for surgery. On July 6, during an examination, the hepatocellular carcinoma ruptured, and emergency TAE was performed to stop the bleeding. Due to further deterioration of his systemic condition and very poor dietary intake, chemotherapy was not possible, and supportive treatment for pain control was given with a prognosis of 1-3 months. Tao Method was started on July 17. He was able to sleep without painkillers on the same day, his liver function stabilized, and CT images at the time of discharge showed that the cancer cells were beginning to die. His physical condition improved significantly, transitioning from coming to treatment in a wheelchair to being able to ride a bicycle for 30 kilometers. After discharge, he gained 7.1 kg of muscle mass. He is eating and sleeping well and returned home in September after attending his daughter's wedding.



October 2020: Reflux Esophagitis, Obesity, Allergic Dermatitis, Depression20)

Female, 35 years old. In 2003, while in Tokyo, she experienced work-related stress, leading to insomnia, anxiety, recurrent diarrhea and constipation, and allergic dermatitis. By 2005, she developed reflux esophagitis, obesity, hay fever, nasal allergy, and skin allergy. She was diagnosed with allergic dermatitis and depression. Despite medication, her condition did not improve and continued to deteriorate. She quit her job and returned to her parents' home in Sapporo. In May 2008, she began Tao Method. Four months later, at a height of 151 cm, her weight decreased from 63.6 kg to 43.0 kg, and all symptoms improved. She has maintained a normal life since then. As of November 2023 (15 years later), she continues to maintain a weight of 41.5 kg.


男性、57岁。右脸颊上的一颗3毫米的痣从2019年9月开始突出,10月开始,小痣迅速长成10个小突起,变成了皮角。底座8mm。能量诊断显示体内NK细胞功能降低一半,癌症干细胞端粒和端粒酶水平偏高。认真按陶氏疗法调整生活。 11月突起数量超过20个,高度超过8毫米。12月高度超过15毫米,同时右舌下出现4×4×8mm的突起。 1月高度超过18毫米,尖端中心出现裂纹,基部发炎、出血。 1月11日起,皮角尖端微黑,开始用消毒线结扎底部。由于底部较大,因此每天早晚结扎两次。五天后皮角尖端因血流量减少而变黑变硬。10日泡浴后,皮角基部与皮肤分离,自然脱落。FFC敷布皮肤伤口。一年后,舌下突起消失。至今无伤痕,无复发。

December 2020: Metastasis of Cutaneous Horn Cancer 21)
Male, 57 years old. A 3 mm mole on his right cheek began protruding in September 2019. By October, the small mole rapidly grew into 10 small protrusions, forming a cutaneous horn with an 8 mm base. Energetic diagnosis indicated a halving of NK cell function and elevated levels of cancer stem cell telomeres and telomerase. He adjusted his lifestyle carefully according to Tao Method. In November, the number of protrusions exceeded 20, with a height over 8 mm. By December, the height exceeded 15 mm, along with a 4 x 4 x 8 mm protuberance under his right tongue. In January, the height exceeded 18 mm, and cracks appeared at the tip's center, with inflammation and bleeding at the base. Starting January 11, the tip of the dermal horn turned slightly black, and ligation at the base with sterilized thread began. Due to the large base, it was ligated twice daily. Five days later, the tip of the dermal horn turned black and hardened due to reduced blood flow. After a bath on the 10th day, the base of the dermal horn separated from the skin and fell off naturally. FFC sheet was applied to the skin wound. A year later, the sublingual protuberance disappeared. There has been no recurrence to date.

2021.11.胰腺癌胃癌晚期 22)
女性、63岁。慢性便秘,腰痛2-3年,2020年12月3日到医院详细检查,诊断为胰体癌,手术无法切除。既往史有腹膜炎,上消化道内窥镜检查发现小胃窦曲内有一个 0-IIc 样肿瘤。预后为余命3个月。同年12月16日开始陶氏疗法,4个月后症状全部消失,体质改善,确诊后的七个月恢复工作,过着正常的生活。2022年1月临晨因呕吐窒息过世。法医鉴定未发现病死原因。

November 2021: Advanced Stage Pancreatic and Stomach Cancer 22)
Female, 63 years old. She had chronic constipation and back pain for 2-3 years. On December 3, 2020, she went to the hospital for a detailed examination and was diagnosed with pancreatic body cancer, inoperable by surgery. She had a history of peritonitis, and an upper GI endoscopy revealed a 0-IIc-like tumor in the lesser curvature of the gastric antrum. Her prognosis was three months to live. She started Tao Method on December 16 of the same year, and after four months, all symptoms disappeared, her physical condition improved, and she resumed working and living a normal life seven months after the diagnosis. She passed away in January 2022 due to vomiting and asphyxiation. Forensic examination found no cause of death.



December 2021: Surgery for Liver Metastasis from Colon Cancer 23)
Male, 67 years old. In April 2016, liver metastases were detected during chemotherapy following colon cancer resection surgery, and in February 2017, the metastatic cancer was resected. He had a history of angina and underwent bypass surgery. He refused to continue chemotherapy after discharge. On February 25 of the same year, he started Tao Method, and his constipation improved after one week. Regular CT scans and blood tests showed normal values. He plays golf over 20 times a year and remains healthy to this day.

女性、53岁。干燥综合征,反流性食管炎,慢性胃炎幽门螺杆菌感染,胃息肉一处切除(隐窝上皮型腺癌2022.7.14),残留一处。胆囊息肉,肥胖,低脊髓液综合征,子宫肌瘤术后诊断, H.pylori检测阴性,无抗生素使用史10年以上。因身体状况不佳,于2021年5月15日开始每周陶氏疗法治疗,4个月后,症状有所好转。继续每月一次治疗,并过着正常生活。同年12月15日,复查胃镜,发现轻度反流性食管炎,胃底萎缩性胃炎,幽门窦慢性胃炎,胃体有两处息肉,一出3毫米息肉,一出12毫米。增生性息肉。计划于 2022 年 6 月 13 日切除。当天,全身麻醉下,未发现两处息肉,证实反流性食管炎已完全治愈,胃黏膜已恢复至两年前胃息肉摘除时平坦的疤痕,组织学检查检出隐窝上皮,慢性胃炎已痊愈。检测到炎症细胞,未见浸润,无肿瘤病变,无恶性肿瘤发现。血象显示血清铁恢复正常。2023年复查,无异常发现。

November 2022: Disappearance of Polyp-Type Gastric Cancer 24)
Female, 53 years old. She had Sjögren's syndrome, reflux esophagitis, chronic gastritis with H. pylori infection, and one gastric polyp removed (cryptogenic epithelial type adenocarcinoma, July 14, 2022), with one remaining. She also had gallbladder polyps, obesity, low cerebrospinal fluid syndrome, and a postoperative diagnosis of uterine fibroids. She tested negative for H. pylori and had no history of antibiotic use for over 10 years. She began weekly Tao Method treatments on May 15, 2021, due to poor health, and after four months, her symptoms improved. She continued monthly treatments and led a normal life. On December 15 of the same year, a repeat gastroscopy revealed mild reflux esophagitis, atrophic gastritis of the fundus, chronic gastritis of the pyloric sinus, and two polyps in the stomach body—one 3 mm and one 12 mm, identified as hyperplastic polyps. Resection was scheduled for June 13, 2022. However, under general anesthesia, no polyps were found, confirming the complete cure of the reflux esophagitis, and the gastric mucosa had returned to the flat scar present since the removal of the gastric polyps two years earlier. Histological examination detected crypt epithelium, and chronic gastritis was healed. Inflammatory cells were found, but no infiltration, neoplastic lesions, or malignancy were seen. Blood tests showed normalized serum iron levels. A review in 2023 found no abnormalities.