



October 2016: Kidney Cancer, Lung Cancer, Bone Metastases with Six Months to Live14)
Male, 50 years old. Diagnosed with kidney cancer, lung cancer, and bone metastases in April 2015 due to fatigue tests, he was given six months to live. He started Tao therapy in combination with chemotherapy and radiation. A year and a half later, he was still running his own business.



October 2018: Schizophrenia 15)
Female, 23 years old, diagnosed with depression in 2014 due to sleeplessness and anxiety after failing university entrance exams. She was first hospitalized in June and diagnosed with schizophrenia in 2016, feeling ❝paranoid❞ about the opposite sex during her second-year university exams, leading to a second hospitalization. A third hospitalization occurred in February 2017 due to anxiety that prevented her from sleeping. For six months, she was forcibly injected with antipsychotics as she did not want to take medication, resulting in a weight gain of 12 kg and constant trembling in her left upper limb. After the addition of another antipsychotic drug, she was unable to wake up in the morning. She started Tao Method in May 2018 for involuntary movements and low cerebrospinal fluid pressure syndrome. The involuntary movements improved after the first treatment and returned to normal after four months. She has worked as a dietitian in a hospital since graduating college.


女性、67岁。肝癌复发。乙型肝炎病毒携带者,2008年被诊断肝癌(一处),通过射频消融治疗消失。 2012年7月,检查发现两处肝癌复发。开始陶氏疗法。第一次治疗后,脚后跟疼痛消失,脖子上的疣也消失。三个月后,在预定的射频治疗中发现复发肝癌消失,出院。十年过去了,肝癌复发。2022年1月因家事发怒,肝癌复发,骨转移。放疗后疼痛改善,3月恢复陶氏疗法。四个月后肝癌消失。2023年6月肺转移消失。康复训练中。

October 2018: Liver Cancer Recurrence16)
Female, 67 years old. Experienced a liver cancer recurrence. She is a hepatitis B virus carrier and was diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma (one site) in 2008, which was treated and disappeared through radiofrequency ablation. In July 2012, two liver cancer recurrences were revealed. She started Tao Method. After the first treatment, her heel pain and neck warts disappeared. Three months later, during a scheduled radiofrequency treatment, recurrent liver cancer was found to have disappeared, and she was discharged from the hospital. Ten years passed, and liver cancer recurred again. In January 2022, following anger over a family matter, liver cancer recurred with bone metastasis. Pain improved after radiation therapy, and she resumed Tao Method in March. Four months later, the liver cancer disappeared. By June 2023, lung metastasis had disappeared. Rehabilitation is in progress.


男性、58 岁。2003年(43岁)左上肢开始出现感觉一次,逐渐出现左上肢肌肉无力和肌肉萎缩,因肌张力增加而出现行走问题,右手手指出现灵活性问题,导致按按钮困难,用筷子、牙刷、写字变得笨拙,被诊断为脊髓型颈椎病,经过治疗好转,2014年1月到2017年8月,开始陶氏疗法。一年后,他可以抬起手臂,双上肢肌肉力量得到提高,能使用牙刷和筷子,能爬楼梯,生活质量得到改善。改善的结果一直保持到第三年。血压、体重和内脏脂肪稳定;体脂下降,体内年龄下降,肌肉从46.7kg增至49.6kg。

October 2019: Spinal Cervical Spondylosis17)
Male, 58 years old. In 2003, at 43 years of age, he began to experience sensations in the left upper limb, gradually developed muscle weakness and atrophy in the left upper limb, had walking difficulties due to increased muscle tone, and experienced dexterity problems in his right hand fingers, which led to difficulty pressing buttons and clumsiness with chopsticks, a toothbrush, and writing. He was diagnosed with spinal cord cervical spondylosis and improved with treatment. From January 2014 to August 2017, he started Tao Method. After one year, he could lift his arms, had improved muscle strength in both upper limbs, could use a toothbrush and chopsticks, climb stairs, and his quality of life improved. The improved results were maintained until the third year. His blood pressure, body weight, and visceral fat stabilized; body fat decreased, body age decreased, and muscle mass increased from 46.7 kg to 49.6 kg.


女性、66岁。2018年11月5日,胰头癌保胃胰十二指肠次全切除术。术后辅助化疗。2019年3月15日CT显示脂肪肝、肝转移、胸水、腹水阴性。接受了肝癌、胆囊、胃和小肠部分切除,一个月化疗因副作用停药。7月10日持续低烧,四肢肌肉酸痛。身体虚弱,CRP升高,CT显示有腹水、胸腔积液,全身水肿。9月13日,CEA和CA19-9水平飙升,被告知余命一个月。 9月15日,从鹿儿岛到札幌开始陶氏疗法。患者病情保持稳定,经过三周的治疗,肌肉质量增加了5.1公斤。患者回到鹿儿岛。

October 2019: Gastric-Preserving Pancreaticoduodenal Total Resection for Pancreatic Head Cancer, Chemotherapy for Chest Fluid and Ascites with Generalized Swelling, Remaining Life One Month18)
Female, 66 years old. On November 5, 2018, she underwent a gastric-preserving subtotal pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic head cancer, followed by postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy. On March 15, 2019, a CT scan showed a fatty liver, liver metastases, negative pleural fluid, and ascites. She received partial resection of liver cancer, gallbladder, stomach, and small intestine. Chemotherapy was discontinued after one month due to side effects. On July 10, she experienced a persistent low-grade fever, muscle aches in her extremities, and weakness, with elevated CRP. A CT scan showed ascites, pleural effusion, and generalized edema. On September 13, her CEA and CA19-9 levels spiked, and she was given a life expectancy of one month. Tao Method was started from Kagoshima to Sapporo on September 15. The patient remained stable and gained 5.1 kg of muscle mass after three weeks of treatment. She returned to Kagoshima.